My eyes welled up from laughing so hard while watching the Father’s Day Pop Quiz on the Jimmy Kimmel Live! show. Just from the title, everyone should be able to quickly surmise the forthcoming hilarity at fathers trying to answer questions on the personal details of their own flesh and blood. The questions were rather easy. The information sought ranged from a son’s birthday, to a daughter’s middle name, to the name of a son’s school & his allergies, a daughter’s best friend, to another daughter’s blood group, you get the gist. These fathers failed the quiz miserably, to the apparent disappointment of their respective children who were providing the correct answers.

When the inspo for an app, to share my details with people I love, trust and care about, struck, a scene like this was also dancing around in my imagination. I have an inattentive father too, and one of my many goals was to help him remember those hard-to-remember details, while saving him from embarrassment while appearing on a famous talk show. BTW, my father would have aced this quiz!

The most effective app for you, your family and, for those who mean the most to you, is aboutuz – iOS or Android. Always get it right!

For those who missed the show or need a laugh today, follow the link here to see the video of the Father’s Day Pop Quiz on Jimmy Kimmel Live!